Le shampooing Arc Anti-Chute 200 ml est un shampooing spécifiquement pensé pour les cheveux faibles, cassants et sans tonus. Tout en nettoyant délicatement, il agit sur le follicule pileux en aidant à prévenir la chute des cheveux, stimule efficacement la croissance de nouveaux cheveux et favorise la récupération cellulaire en contrant l'action des radicaux libres. Les cheveux sont plus forts, sains et durables.
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Arc Anti-Falling Line uses an extraordinary active ingredient, a glycoprotein of plant origin with growth factor of capillary activity. In fact, its ability to prolong the hair growth phase (anagen), to shorten the fall phase (telegen), to accelerate the birth of new hair, to increase the vitality of the capillary cells and to stimulate its proliferation has been demonstrated. Thanks to these studies, ARC has developed a new line of anti-fall treatments with proven efficacy that really allows to reduce hair loss.
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